Functions and classes related to file and directory handling, data)

save data (of any sort) as a pickle file

simple wrapper of the cPickle module in core python

load data (of any sort) from a pickle file

simple wrapper of the cPickle module in core python, dst, pattern=None)

Merge a folder into another.

Existing files in dst folder with the same name will be overwritten. Non-existent files/folders will be created., append=False, delim=None, fileCollisionMethod='rename', encoding='utf-8')

Open an output file (or standard output) for writing.

fileName : string
The desired output file name.
append : bool, optional
If True, append data to an existing file; otherwise, overwrite it with new data. Defaults to True, i.e. appending.
delim : string, optional
The delimiting character(s) between values. For a CSV file, this would be a comma. For a TSV file, it would be `` . Defaults to ``None.
fileCollisionMethod : string, optional
How to handle filename collisions. This is ignored if append is set to True. Defaults to rename.
encoding : string, optional
The encoding to use when writing the file. Defaults to 'utf-8'.
f : file
A writable file handle.

If no known filename extension is given, and the delimiter is a comma, the extension .csv will be chosen automatically. If the extension is unknown and the delimiter is a tab, the extension will be .tsv. .txt will be chosen otherwise.

Return a delimiter based on a filename.

fileName : string
The output file name.
delim : string
A delimiter picked based on the supplied filename. This will be , if the filename extension is .csv, and a tabulator character otherwise.