psychopy.microphone - Capture and analyze sound

(Available as of version 1.74.00; Advanced features available as of 1.77.00)


AudioCapture() allows easy audio recording and saving of arbitrary sounds to a file (wav format). AudioCapture will likely be replaced entirely by AdvAudioCapture in the near future.

AdvAudioCapture() can do everything AudioCapture does, and also allows onset-marker sound insertion and detection, loudness computation (RMS audio “power”), and lossless file compression (flac). The Builder microphone component now uses AdvAudioCapture by default.

Speech2Text() provides speech recognition (courtesy of google), with about 1-2 seconds latency for a 2 sec voice recording. Note that the sound files are sent to google over the internet. Intended for within-experiment processing (near real-time, 1-2s delayed), in which priority is given to keeping an experiment session moving along, even if that means skipping a slow response once in a while. See coder demo > input >

Eventually, other features are planned, including: speech onset detection (to automatically estimate vocal RT for a given speech sample), and interactive visual inspection of sound waveform, with playback and manual onset determination (= the “gold standard” for RT).

Audio Capture

Speech recognition


PsychoPy provides lossless compression using FLAC codec. (This requires that flac is installed on your computer. It is not included with PsychoPy by default, but you can download for free from ). Functions for file-oriented Discrete Fourier Transform and RMS computation are also provided.