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psychopy.voicekey - Real-time sound processing

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Functions and classes related to unit conversion[, out])

Convert angles from degrees to radians.

x : array_like
Input array in degrees.
out : ndarray, optional
Output array of same shape as x.
y : ndarray
The corresponding radian values.

deg2rad : equivalent function

Convert a degree array to radians

>>> deg = np.arange(12.) * 30.
>>> np.radians(deg)
array([ 0.        ,  0.52359878,  1.04719755,  1.57079633,  2.0943951 ,
        2.61799388,  3.14159265,  3.66519143,  4.1887902 ,  4.71238898,
        5.23598776,  5.75958653])
>>> out = np.zeros((deg.shape))
>>> ret = np.radians(deg, out)
>>> ret is out
True[, out])

Convert angles from radians to degrees.

x : array_like
Input array in radians.
out : ndarray, optional
Output array of same shape as x.
y : ndarray of floats
The corresponding degree values; if out was supplied this is a reference to it.

rad2deg : equivalent function

Convert a radian array to degrees

>>> rad = np.arange(12.)*np.pi/6
>>> np.degrees(rad)
array([   0.,   30.,   60.,   90.,  120.,  150.,  180.,  210.,  240.,
        270.,  300.,  330.])
>>> out = np.zeros((rad.shape))
>>> r = degrees(rad, out)
>>> np.all(r == out)