.. _microphone: :mod:`psychopy.microphone` - Capture and analyze sound ====================================================== (Available as of version 1.74.00; Advanced features available as of 1.77.00) Overview -------- **AudioCapture()** allows easy audio recording and saving of arbitrary sounds to a file (wav format). AudioCapture will likely be replaced entirely by AdvAudioCapture in the near future. **AdvAudioCapture()** can do everything AudioCapture does, and also allows onset-marker sound insertion and detection, loudness computation (RMS audio "power"), and lossless file compression (flac). The Builder microphone component now uses AdvAudioCapture by default. Audio Capture ------------- .. autofunction:: psychopy.microphone.switchOn .. autoclass:: psychopy.microphone.AdvAudioCapture :members: :undoc-members: :inherited-members: Speech recognition ------------------ Google's speech to text API is no longer available. AT&T, IBM, and wit.ai have a similar (paid) service. Misc ---- Functions for file-oriented Discrete Fourier Transform and RMS computation are also provided. .. autofunction:: psychopy.microphone.wav2flac .. autofunction:: psychopy.microphone.flac2wav .. autofunction:: psychopy.microphone.getDft .. autofunction:: psychopy.microphone.getRMS